The FAO has recently published its latest State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World report. It analyses the impact of urbanisation on agrifood systems and access to affordable and healthy diets. ZERYA wants to raise awareness about the impact of our consumption at a global level and how we can empower the food chain.
The report presents the latest data and trends on hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition in all its forms, as well as the policies, investments and technologies needed to transform agrifood systems and ensure the right to food for all.
Global nutrition targets for 2030
FAO shows that global hunger remained relatively unchanged from 2021 to 2022, but is still well above pre-COVID-19 pandemic levels.
El hambre sigue aumentando en África, Asia occidental y el Caribe, mientras que se lograron progresos en Asia y América Latina.
Se prevé que casi 600 millones de personas seguirán padeciendo hambre en 2030, lo que indica el enorme desafío que supone alcanzar la meta del ODS 2 de erradicar el hambre.
Moderate or severe food insecurity affected about 29.6 percent of the world’s population (2.4 billion people) in 2022, meaning that they did not have access to nutritious, safe and sufficient food throughout the year.
Además, más de 3 100 millones de personas (42 %) no podían permitirse una dieta saludable en 2021, lo que tiene consecuencias negativas para la nutrición.
The FAO is clear: The world is not on track to meet the global nutrition targets by 2030.
Better balance between rural (productive) and urban areas
Urbanisation is a megatrend that is transforming agrifood systems along the rural-urban continuum, creating both challenges and opportunities for ensuring access to affordable and healthy diets. Urbanisation influences food supply and demand, the cost and affordability of a healthy diet, and food security and nutrition.
Empowering the agri-food chain
In his report he goes on to propose policies and investments to take advantage of the growing connectivity between rural and urban areas and to improve agri-food systems..
These include:
- Support the role of SMEs in food value chains;
- Increase investment in RDI to develop healthier foods;
- Promote urban and peri-urban agriculture in our cities;
- Promote healthy diets through nutrition education (schools, universities, old people’s homes, etc.).
- Provide tax incentives to companies and institutions committed to healthy eating.
- Strengthening rural-urban linkages and collaboration between institutions
- Involve all stakeholders in the agri-food ecosystem (public and private) through sustainable partnerships.
We leave you with the full report at :
Abridged version of The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2023 (fao.org)
At ZERYA we share this vision for sustainable agricultural production and in our day-to-day work we contribute to raising awareness of the importance of improving access to affordable and healthy diets as a key factor in achieving a better quality of life for ourselves and future generations.
We work to transform agri-food systems for the well-being of people and the planet. If you share our ambition and you are a producer, purchasing centre or retailer, we invite you to contact us to get to know us better and to define a tailor-made support programme.
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