We propose a programme that was born in 2009 after ten years of R+D+i with producers from the Murcian market garden that allows us to produce in a sustainable way. After 15 years of implementation in the peninsula, a new model of agriculture without pesticide residues is beginning to impose itself. Thanks to ZERYA’s voluntary standard, we provide a tailor-made solution: regulations, producers, laboratories, certifiers, distributors are aligned. Conventional and/or ecological.
Beyond the LoD – Limit of Detection of 0.01 ppm.
The ZERYA programme certifies that fruit and vegetable products do not contain pesticide residues above 0.01 ppm, which is the most demanding analytical Limit of detection (LOD) on the European market. To achieve this result, the producers follow a technical management system based on prevention, biological control and the rational use of phytosanitary products. All agricultural processes are subject to rigorous control by independent certification bodies and accredited laboratories that carry out regular audits and analyses. Customers are producers, field technicians, cooperatives, SATs, PGIs, purchasing centres, handling centres and retailers. For ZERYA®, ‘no pesticide residues’ means that all active substances are below 0.01 ppm in an analytical determination according to the European Regulation EC 396/2005.

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Pesticide Residue-Free Agriculture for committed farmers and responsible buyers

For growers, the program provides a differentiation in the market that allows them to access new customers and markets. It also helps them to reduce production costs by optimizing the use of resources and minimizing the environmental impact of their activity.
For consumers, allows them to support a more responsible production model that is committed to social and environmental well-being. And it strengthens the alliance between producer and consumer.
For purchasing centres and retailers, it allows them to anticipate the requirements of the European strategy to reduce the use of plant protection products. In addition to offering a premium range other than organic in large volumes.
The certification process for producers includes a conversion period of 365 days from registration in the Producer Register or the date indicated by the company. This period allows the company to adapt and demonstrate its knowledge in the management of the quality mark. Once it has been passed, it does not need to be repeated for new farms managed by the same technical team. If new crops are introduced in the same production unit, a new conversion period is required for each different crop. Operators who so request are eligible for a reduction of the conversion period.
The main difference between the ZERYA Pesticide Residue-free and ZERYARegenerativa programmes lies in their approach and objectives. The ZERYA Pesticide Residue-free program focuses on the production of food that guarantees a final product without detectable pesticide residues, using a technical management system that includes prevention, biological control and rational use of phytosanitary products. On the other hand, ZERYARegenerativa encompasses agricultural practices focused on the regeneration and improvement of agricultural ecosystems, promoting biodiversity and soil health. Both programmes seek sustainability and food security, but from complementary perspectives.
The ZERYA guarantee mark is a quality mark that certifies that fruit and vegetable products do not contain pesticide residues above 0.01 ppm, the most demanding analytical detection limit in the European market. This certification is voluntary and was created by specialists in the sector in order to develop food production systems that ensure a safe end product free of pesticide residues. ZERYA focuses on sustainability and responsibility in the food supply chain. ZERYA offers a rigorous management and control system, with independent audits and laboratory analysis to verify compliance with its standards. With the ZERYA’s seal, companies can differentiate their products in the marketplace, aligning themselves with sustainability goals and gaining the trust of conscious consumers who prefer certified and responsible products.
To start Pesticide Residue-free production with ZERYA, it is essential to be registered in the ZERYA operators’ register and to comply with the established quotas. It is essential to have qualified technical staff trained in the ZERYA system, who understand the regulations and procedures for the detection and control of pests and diseases, as well as for the selection of treatments and plant nutrition. ZERYA offers training courses, such as the Course on the Implementation of Pesticide Residue-free Production Systems, in collaboration with the University of Cordoba, which provides practical knowledge on the implementation of Pesticide residue-free production systems. In addition, it is advisable to become familiar with the action strategies defined by ZERYA’s sectoral committees, which include ongoing technical studies and a management system that ensures compliance with sustainable production objectives.