Avada Car Dealer News

Since 2009, we have been very clear that we must continue working to ensure that the effort to demonstrate the positive impact on the environment becomes a tangible reality on the shelves. An important part of our work also focuses on ensuring that it is sufficiently valued to make it worthwhile to change the agricultural production model that producers who use our system are opting for. Their commitment deserves a positive assessment from the entire value chain. Over the past year, producers, purchasing and distribution centres have become aware that products must continue to be an accurate reflection of farmers’ know-how and their arduous path in the transformation of agriculture required to face the challenges we face. We are fortunate that many of them work hand in hand with ZERYA® to achieve these goals.

“Our goal is to continue to provide differentiation to companies with high-level technical personnel, through joint work” Antonio Alcázar, producer and founder of ZERYA®.

WE CONTINUE TO LOOK AT THE HORIZON WITH CONFIDENCE, AFTER THE MILESTONES OF 2023: 1. Belgian producers look for solutions in the Cartagena countryside.. A group of Belgian producers visited several growing areas in the Campo de Cartagena and Campo de Lorca to learn about the production model in the area. Belgium, and in particular the Flemish region, is tightening its policy on the use of fertilisers to protect the water quality of its rivers and canals. In many ways, the situation could be similar to that which farmers in Campo de Cartagena, located in the protected areas of the Mar Menor, have had to deal with for several years now. On this occasion, they visited some production fields that work with ZERYA’s quality standard. During the visit to the fields, they were able to see how broccoli and lettuce are managed using the standard, achieving production free of pesticide residues and at the same time complying with the Law for the recovery and protection of the Mar Menor and the precautionary measures of the Segura Hydrographic Confederation, implemented to protect the Mar Menor from nitrate contamination. 2. We strengthen our alliance with the Clube de Produtores de Continente Portugal The ‘Zero Waste’ program from ZERYA, a Spanish brand of reference in agriculture without pesticide residues, is the result of the joint work between ZERYA and the Clube de Produtores de Continente, leader of large-scale distribution in Portugal. The ‘Zero Waste’ programme aims, among its objectives, to respond to consumer demands, who are looking not only for a more profitable and sustainable agriculture, but also for one that is healthy. Consumers are increasingly demanding respect for the environment in all production processes and at ZERYA we guarantee that from the farm to the greenhouse, fruits and vegetables receive maximum care, which improves soil health, increasing biodiversity in crops and reducing dependence on chemical inputs. 3. The best harvest without pesticide residues at Fruit Attraction. In this edition of Fruit Attraction, together with our international ecosystem, we were a reference within the Fair and were able to share the latest developments and trends in Zero Waste Agriculture as well as Regenerative Agriculture. Ecosystem and market in full growth, represented by: ACCM Agencia para la Certificación de la Calidad y el Medio Ambiente , AGROCANTARILLAS SL , Aquactiva Solutions SL , Asfert Global ES , Biostasia – Projects and services of engineering, Lda , CdIagrocv CLUSTER DE INNOVACIÓN AGROALIMENTARIA COMUNIDAD VALENCIANA , Cooperativa Agrícola Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles, EDAF LDA , Eurofins , Florette Ibérica , HEFONA GROUP S.L. , ISQ , KOPPERT ESPAÑA , Lab – Eva Monzó , www.limerencelive.com , Laboratorio Moprilab , www.newvegbio.com , Proyectos Calidad y Medioambiente , Plant Health Care Europe , SAN Agrow , SEIPASA , SIPCAM Iberia , SESUR Semilla y Exportación SL y UPL Iberia Especial mención merece la implicación del media partner SPE3: ACTUAL FruVeg, Tecnología Hortícola y Poscosecha – Poscosecha.com Asimismo, durante la feria, tuvimos la ocasión de anunciar la colaboración para ofrecer los new online courses “Zero Waste Agriculture”.. In addition, there will be master classes that will be given in person. The director of ETSIAM, the Higher Technical School of Agricultural and Forestry Engineering, Rosa Gallardo Cobos, expressed her interest in implementing training in collaboration with the University of Córdoba. The course in 2024 will take place at the beginning of 2024, for more information, contact us at: consultas@zerya.org 4. Standard also applied in Central Europe Once again, Farma Bezdínek and ZD Haňovice Skleníky in the Czech Republic (CZ) and Kameničany Farm in Slovakia (SK) renew their commitment to residue-free agriculture by applying our standard. “Chemical pesticides cannot be replaced by waving a magic wand. However, it is possible to find a way to reduce their use to a minimum while ensuring that their residues are not in the final product. Our productions are proof of this!” Václav Psota – Farma Bezdínek 5. ZERYARegenerativa® certification takes root in Europe Together with the agri-food chain, we respond to the growing environmental awareness of both distributors and customers by proposing comprehensive solutions. The new ZERYARegenerativa® certification is being implemented among Spanish and Portuguese producers. Aligned with the reality of the field and the SDGs, the ZERYARegenerativa® program responds to 4 fundamental objectives: • Combat soil erosion • Protect and increase biodiversity • Reduce the carbon footprint • Limit food waste The ZERYARegenerativa® program includes: • Own brand with the ZERYARegenerativa® seal • Differentiation in the food market • SDG objectives aligned with sustainable policies and strategies • Alliances between consumers and producers based on trust and transparency • Safe, traceable and responsible food chain • Improvement of agricultural production in the medium and long term Germany: A tailor-made proposal for retailers and purchasing centres We work on specific sustainability programs for German retailers that are complementary to those of ZERYARegenerativa® to create specific lines adapted to the production environment: according to producer, location and crop. Retailers and purchasing centres are thus responding to the demands of consumers who are looking for products with a lower environmental impact and higher nutritional quality. According to the study “Consumer Products and Retail: How sustainability is fundamentally changing consumer preferences” by Capgemini in 2020, 79% of global consumers say they would change their purchasing preferences based on environmental criteria. We favor a responsible purchasing chain. Aligning the reality of the field with that of purchasing centres through a tailor-made programme. From the first production cycle 6. New Certified Auditors and Consultants We evolve with the sector. New auditors and consultants have improved their knowledge and skills in the area of Zero Waste agriculture, allowing them to advise and assess the management of crops that meet the requirements of the guarantee mark. 7.Zero Waste is becoming popular in Portugal. Growing concerns about food safety and environmental sustainability raise the need to offer solutions. Aware of the demand, the retailer Continente presented its Resíduo ZERO melons and watermelons during the summer. If you want to know more about our agronomic recommendations and apply them in your production or in your supply chain, you can contact us through www.zerya.org – by email consultas@zerya.org or by calling us at +34 622 690 956 We will be happy to advise you and answer your questions. Subscribe to our NEWSLETTER LINKEDIN: https://lnkd.in/dQi2ZBVu

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