Avada Car Dealer News

AGRAMA, the renowned laboratory with presence in Spain and Portugal, has been officially authorised by ZERYA for the sampling and analysis of multiresidues, complying with the strict regulations of the entity. This collaboration marks a significant milestone in the industry, as AGRAMA positions itself as a key partner for producers committed to zero waste agriculture. As of 29 May 2024, AGRAMA will extend its specialised services not only to Spanish producers adhering to the Zero Waste programme, but also to those of the exclusive ZERO Waste programme of the renowned retailer Continente.

‘We consider that being an authorised laboratory in ZERYA is an important step for AGRAMA, so we can meet the demand of our customers and we understand that having passed the ZERYA requirements is also a plus in our continuous improvement plan’, says Francisco Hierro del Castillo General Manager of AGRAMA.

AGRAMA’s inclusion as an authorised laboratory eis a reflection of its excellence and reliability in the sector. With state-of-the-art facilities and a team of highly qualified experts, AGRAMA guarantees accurate analyses and reliable results, crucial aspects for the certification of products under ZERYA standards. AGRAMA’s ability to operate in both Iberian countries offers a considerable logistical advantage, facilitating producers’ access to high quality analysis services. ZERYA’s authorisation of AGRAMA also underlines the importance of sustainable agricultural practices and the growing market interest in products that respect the environment and the health of consumers. With ZERYA’s endorsement, AGRAMA is committed to supporting producers in their efforts to meet the highest standards of quality and sustainability, ensuring that products are not only safe, but also responsibly produced. More demanding agri-food chain This development represents a step forward in the consolidation of a cleaner and more transparent food supply chain. AGRAMA’s expertise and technology in multi-residue analysis is essential to verify the absence of chemical residues below 0.010 ppm, thus offering additional assurance to consumers seeking healthier and greener options. The alliance between AGRAMA and ZERYA is a clear sign that the food industry is evolving towards more rigorous and conscious standards. The authorisation is a remarkable development that benefits all stakeholders: from producers seeking to certify their crops, to retailers wishing to offer quality-verified products, to end consumers demanding transparency and food safety. . More abaut AGRAMA: Loquacity control and research laboratory, highly specialised in the agri-food sector, with more than 20 years of experience. It offers the controls required by the activity associated with the production process and the marketing of agri-food products: analysis of contaminants (pesticides, glyphosates, phthalates, heavy metals, parabens, alkylphenols,…), nutritional analysis and microbiological determinations, among hundreds of other tests. www.laboratorioagrama.com

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