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El abono BioAgenasol® mejora la estructura del suelo, almacena el agua de forma eficaz, libera los nutrientes rápidamente con un efecto duradero y no provoca pérdidas de nitrógeno por arrastre.

It is an organic fertiliser made from fermented biomass with yeast components and free of animal components.

It is certified without pesticide residues by ZERYA.It is organic by InfoXgen and suitable for vegan consumption by FIBL, which makes it suitable for conventional as well as regenerative and organic farming. In addition, all raw materials used are free of genetically modified organisms.

It is produced from the fermentation of yeast-fermented cereals, which are mixed with organic liquid fertilisers and partially lactose-free molasses. The yeast and sugar in the molasses intensively stimulate soil micro-organisms and help to improve the soil.

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BioAgenasol is rich in organic substances, promotes humus growth and soil fertility and thus creates a solid base for crops. It has been used for years with good results in terms of quality and yield.

Its main differentiation lies in the fact that it has a high nitrogen content of 5.5%, while the average organic fertiliser is usually 3.8%.

Restructures the soil and strengthens roots

It restructures the soil, gives you stronger roots and ultimately a healthy plantThis results in a higher quality of the crop. One of the main positive effects of the fertiliser is that it helps the soil to acquire a crumbly texture, increasing its storage capacity and facilitating the formation of humus.


In Spain, the fertiliser from Agrana, an Austrian company, is distributed on the Spanish mainland by Sesur Semillas y Exportación..
Se trata de
a natural solution that enables high-yield production without the application of mineral nitrogen.

BioAgenaSol was a side project of the company SESUR. Thanks to the extremely positive experience they gained, both in their own production and that of their customers, they started to offer it on the Iberian market.

A fertiliser for agriculture without residues, organic, biodynamic, demeter… certified and recommended by ZERYA.

With multiple benefits for soil and crops:

  • Promotes humus growth and soil health
  • Efficiently accumulates water without loss of nitrogen through carryover
  • Provides nutrients according to plant needs
  • Fast initial effect, long-lasting permanent effect
  • It has a pleasant smell (wood with hints of bread).
  • Non-combustion and harmless to humans and animals
  • Also effective at low temperatures

Abono completo y activador del suelo 100% vegetal de liberación lenta – Ensayo de variedades España Sevilla 2021

For which crops is BioAgenasol recommended?

BioAgenasol is suitable for horticultural and fruit crops, viticulture, agriculture, mixing components (soil products).

The recommended doses vary according to the type of crop, but are generally between 500 and 1000 kg/ha. For more specific doses, please consult the product data sheet.

In case of crops with a high potassium requirement and in case the potassium supply in general is not good, an additional supply of Patentkali or potassium sulphate is recommended.

Sweet potato sowing took place a month later but the delay was made up. The crop was very uniform and healthy. Finally, there was a lot of over-calibration because the bush did not expire. Colour and flavour were very intense. Read more on : SESUR Semilla y Exportación SL – BAS – Applications

SESUR, a seed specialist as well as a potato producer and exporter.

Within its extensive catalogue of potato varieties with more than 250 varieties that have been developed in Seville, SESUR continues to develop new varieties in its crops and to offer them to Spanish supermarket chains that are committed to fresh, quality production.

Potato season: production and market for 2024

We have to distinguish between the early potato harvest and the main harvest. ‘The early harvest is directly dependent on the yield and storage capacity of the previous year’s potato crop,’ explains Georg Kolmhofer, managing director of SESUR.

We are coming off a 2023 that was extremely difficult in Europe from a climatological point of view. “Although in some regions production has also been very good, drought and heat and, in the end, continuous rain have resulted in a very reduced harvest volume in Europe” he adds. On the other hand, other external factors may influence the market “the military conflict in Israel is causing uncertainty, as it is not yet possible to accurately predict the impact it will have on production and deliveries in Israel and North Africa.

Therefore, it can be said that there will be a great demand for early potatoes from the Iberian Peninsula, both for consumption and for industrial use.

In principle, this could be seen as positive, but the fact that there has not been enough rain and irrigation restrictions have not been lifted means that demand cannot be adequately met from a production point of view,” Georg shares.

From ZERYA Producciones sin Residuos S.L. We are dedicated to ensuring both pesticide-free and regenerative agriculture, two practices that benefit the environment and people’s health. By investing in our crop management, we contribute to a positive impact on the soil, the crops and the final product.

If you want to know more about us or how you can transform your production model, visit www.zerya.org, write to us at consultas@zerya.org or call us at +34 622 690 956.

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