For more than 30 years, EIBOL has been researching, developing, formulating and marketing effective, high-quality and environmentally friendly biological solutions for agriculture. We develop products of high scientific-technical value that help to increase the production and quality of crops, preserving the biological conditions of the soil and its useful fauna. We are committed to innovation and technology applied to agriculture to achieve quality crops with high yields and added value.

ZERYA certified products

  • Aspire | Bioestimulantes y Nutricionales

  • Boden | Bioestimulantes y Nutricionales

  • Radiko | Bioestimulantes y Nutricionales


  • ES +34 96 146 55 18 | PT +351 21 238 07 77

  • ES | PT

  • EIBOL Ibérica, S.L. C/ Llauradors, 12. Pol. Ind. Campo Anibal 46530 Puzol (Valencia)
  • EIBOL Portugal, LDA. Rua do Caramelo, CCI 2521 Valdera. 2955-293 PINHAL NOVO