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SAN Agrow was founded by the joining of forces of Westbridge Agricultural Products Inc. in the USA and bio-ferm GmbH in Austria. SAN Agrow contributes to sustainable agriculture by supplying biotechnological crop protection products (biopesticides, biofungicides, bioherbicides), plant nutrients and plant growth regulators. With products based on microorganisms or plant extracts, they contribute to a more sustainable agriculture. Thanks to a strong internal RD, they gain new knowledge in the areas of microbial biocontrol agents, microbial fermentations, plant extracts, biostimulants and plant nutrition, and thus develop new products that contribute to sustainable organic and conventional agriculture.

ZERYA certified products


  • +43 2782 83300


  • SAN Agrow Holding GmbH Industriestraße 20 3130 Herzogengburg AUSTRIA