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Sprouting in citrus is a crucial phenomenon for the development and yield of citrus crops..
En esta época del año, las temperaturas comienzan a aumentar después del invierno, lo que estimula el despertar de las yemas dormidas en los árboles cítricos.
Este proceso de brotación es esencial porque
marks the beginning of the active growing season of plants, allowing the formation of new shoots, leaves and eventually flowers and fruits. Proper synchronization of budding with climatic conditions and natural cycles is crucial to ensure healthy and optimal development of citrus trees, which has a direct impact on the quality and quantity of the harvest.

Increased yield in citrus fruits

As indicated, spring budding and subsequent flowering are key physiological processes in citrus fruits to achieve greater productive efficiency and fruit quality., since these are the first stages of the production process. For this reason, since ZERYA Producciones sin Residuos S.L. recommends the use of Balancer LS, whose effectiveness has been demonstrated in achieving an increase in the number and development of shoots, and thus, a considerable increase in the final yield of the crop.

How does Balancer LS work?

Balancer LS has been developed by Tecnicrop Ibérica S.L after years of RD research, based on the exclusive biostimulation technology called PBS (Synergistic Biostimulant Power). This technology contains a balanced and optimal ratio of different natural molecules with BIOSTIMULATING POWER. which once released into the culture medium and absorbed by the plant, produce the activation of its metabolism, triggering its physiological processes and its response mechanisms against all types of biotic or abiotic stress situations. The constituents of this technology generate a SYNERGIC AND IMMEDIATE EFFECT, this is a greater and faster effect

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Bañancer LS It is the first product developed based on PBS technology, designed to produce a specific biostimulation at key moments of crop development: sprouting, flowering and setting, providing key microelements for growth and development and contributing to the reduction of the energy expenditure of the plant necessary for carrying out these processes. Strong osmoprotective effect, together with the reinforcement of the cell wall, helps to cope with water stress that can lead to increased abscission in fruits.

Eficacia demostrada y residuo 0

A recent study carried out by laboratories accredited for carrying out EOR tests (Officially Recognized Tests), has shown that the use of Balancer LS, during the sprouting period in citrus, produces a significant increase in the number and length of sprouts., after only two applications. A notable improvement was also observed increase in end-of-harvest yield,, between 17 and 20% compared to the control.

The test was carried out using a base fertilisation as a control, which was compared with the same base fertilisation, to which Balancer LS was added at two different doses, achieving a considerable improvement in performance in both test cases. This also confirms that the joint use of fertilisers and biostimulants is advisable, as this improves the absorption and efficiency of the nutrients supplied by the fertilisers.

The results of this study show that the use ofBalancer LS contributes to the rapid vegetative and productive development of the plant..
Se recomienda su empleo durante la brotación para maximizar la eficacia del producto.
El empleo de Balancer LS está recomendado por
ZERYA Producciones sin Residuos S.L. to obtain citrus fruits without pesticide residues.

In addition, Tecnicrop T Compensa

T-compensa is a points program in which all farmers who purchase Tecnicrop products, either directly or through our distributors, can participate.

Contact : Isabel Mª Haro – Department of Production and Quality

+34 678 351 421 Tecnico@tecnicrop.comwww.tecnicrop.com

From ZERYA Producciones sin Residuos S.L. We are dedicated to ensuring both pesticide-free and regenerative agriculture, two practices that benefit the environment and people’s health. By investing in our crop management, we contribute to a positive impact on the soil, the crops and the final product.

If you want to know more about us or how you can transform your production model, visitwww.zerya.org, write to us consultas@zerya.org or call us at +34 622 690 956.

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